Thursday, August 6, 2009

No Room Left For Love

Your beauty is beyond me...

I see you stroke it,

Your most prized possession.


Your days are filled with you

Bettering you

Loving you

Planning life with you


You arise like a rainbow

Golden streaks falling from the colors.

You have made yourself some perfect looking thing.

And you bring it out to fend off the monsters,

The rest of the world.


Somewhere ahead your rainbow sets

To await another storm;

You retire to your empty room

To fill it with yourself.


Somewhere between your self

And your room

There is an empty space.


It will make you lonely every time you pass by

But you don’t understand it.


Sometimes you seem to really care about me

You want to know

Who am I

You want to read

What I write


And sometimes you only seem to want to fill the empty void.

You set me there

Another Mirror

To reflect back to you

Your amazing beauty.


And in the reflection of your stare

I see myself.

I could stand to be a bit larger,

My reflection could be

A bit more brightly illuminated.


Hastily, I throw a stone into your void;

It hits another faceless beauty!

She serves as your bookmark.

Oh, I could never be a chapter in your life!

How I could easily fall for you!

Wrap up in you.

And how she might begin to think she is your chapter.

But your resting place, she stays.

Until you lose her under the couch or something


You will lose her some place you never thought to look

Because you never thought about her much

And the next best thing to a bookmark

Is a square of toilet paper.


I think I shall not get into this mess

This beautiful mess

As you are tempting


I will not stand around

In contemplation of the beauty

That keeps you wrapped in chains

Only to be

Dashed upon your words

And brushed into the binding


1 comment:

Minima Sapala said...

I connected with this piece very strongly. It brought back a lot of memories of those I've loved...who didn't love me back.

I always wonder, were they as fascinating and enchanting as I saw them or was it my eyes playing tricks on me? I'm pretty sure it was my own distorted vision but reading this drives it home that I'll never be COMPLETELY sure.